Barry started his basketball career as a player in 1952 carrying on through to 1992 (40 years). During this time and beyond he has been an avid administrator of basketball, totalling 51 years’ service. He has held numerous administrative positions including with Wellington YMCA Basketball, Wellington Basketball Association, NZ Men’s Basketball Council, sole administrator for the Boy’s Institute Basketball, he founded and administered the Central City Basketball League which was a sub Association to Wellington Basketball with over 100 Teams which he ran for 23 years.
Barry has worked as a Wellington Basketball Association Executive and then Chairman for several years. He formed and administered the ‘Centrals Club’ which had 14 teams in the Wellington Association. He was an executive member of the New Zealand Basketball Federation for 14 years. He initiated the formation of the NBL and was the League Commissioner for 7 years, Executive Member for 4 years and Chairman for 2 years.
He joined the Board of basketball New Zealand from 2007 to 2011 as well as being the Basketball New Zealand representative on the NBL Board from 2009-2011. He was also the NBL Disputes commissioner from 2011-2015. Barry is a life member of Basketball New Zealand and the Wellington Basketball Association and was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2016.