Welcome to Basketball New Zealand’s new Learning Management System – powered by etrainu.
We have partnered with industry experts to bring you a comprehensive suite of online learning modules, resources and practical workshops. This will ensure our officials and coaches have the confidence they need when they’re back out on the court, regardless of their experience level.
We hope you enjoy your learning journey experience and welcome any feedback from any of our learners.
Please click on one of the courses tiles below to complete your enrolment.
To log back into a course that is still in progress, you’ll need to visit Basketball New Zealand’s Member Profile. To login, simply use the same credentials used when creating a GameDay Passport. You can also view your qualifications and enrolments within Member Profile.
Please note that courses do not have to be completed all at once. You can exit your course at any time and resume the course the next time you log back in via Member Profile. Just ensure you click exit within the course (not directly from your browser) to ensure the progress has been saved.
Need help? If you can’t find an answer within the FAQ section on etrainu, please contact us here.

Level 1 Referee
Learn how to get started as a basketball referee.
This course is for anyone starting out as a basketball referee with low or no prior experience. It is an entry point into the referee development programme which supports community basketball referees at association and school level, through to the national level.
The course consists of 16 self-paced online modules, following which participants can enrol into a Level 1 practical workshop facilitated by associations. The last stage of the Level 1 course is a supported game assessment with a local referee trainer.
After 12 months of refereeing as a Level 1, participants may choose to enrol into the Level 2 Referee course which will become available to them.

Level 2 Referee
This course is for you if you are currently a Level 1 Referee, have been actively refereeing for at least a year and would like to build on your existing learning.
The Level 2 course consists of 10 self-paced online modules followed by a practical workshop and supported practical game assessment. Upon completion of all three components, you will qualify as a Level 2 Referee which allows you to be eligible at the national level.
You will also need to undertake the FIBA fitness test. A pass is not required at this level, but your result will be recorded in the national referee database.
If you aspire to move beyond Level 2 you should be actively refereeing for at least one year.
Referees advance to Level 3 based on performance through practical assessments at national tournaments.
Level 3 is a prerequisite to be eligible for selection to the National Leagues Referee Panel.
Please note, to be eligible for this course, you must have completed the Level 1 Referee Course. You will also need to have completed a minimum of 12 months on-court experience before being able to enrol.
A link to complete the course will be provided by BBNZ or your local association.

Level 1 Referee Trainer
The Level 1 Referee Trainer course is the entry point into the referee trainer pathway.
The course consists of seven online modules followed by a practical workshop. You can work through it at your own pace and, when you have completed all the modules, BBNZ will advise you of the next available practical workshop.
Following completion of this course, the practical workshop, and a practical evaluation assessment on a game, you will qualify as a Level 1 Referee Trainer.
Please note that participants cannot self-enrol into this course. You will need to be nominated by your local association and/or BBNZ.

Sport NZ - Governance 101
In this programme you’ll learn the fundamentals of governance, which can be applied to any organisation and are particularly relevant to not-for-profits.
This programme is based on the sport and recreation governance framework and uses the resources available on the Sport New Zealand website. There’s more than one right way to govern, so these modules focus on the key principles that are applicable no matter which model you’re using.

Aktive Good Sports
This course is designed to support coaches who work with children using the Good Sports philosophy.
Coaches will learn about:
- The key reasons children play sport
- How to support and coach children using a climate of development
- The role & responsibilities of a coach
- Planning for success
- Creating safe environments
- Working with others for a successful season
On completion of this course coaches will have the knowledge to coach children in a fun and safe environment so that they have a positive sporting experience.